发布日期:2025-01-09 00:47 点击次数:152
Scientists Quantified The Speed of Human Thought, And It's a Big Surprise
The speed of the human brain's ability to process information has been investigated in a new study, and according to scientists, we're not as mentally quick as we might like to think.In fact, research suggests our brains process information at a speed of just 10 bits per second. But how is this possible, in comparison to the trillions of operations computers can perform every second?
Research suggests this is the result of how we internally process thoughts in single file, making for a slow, congested queue.
伸开剩余83%This stands in stark contrast to the way the peripheral nervous system operates, amassing sensory data at gigabits a second in parallel, magnitudes higher than our paltry 10-bit cognitive computer.
To neurobiologists Jieyu Zheng and Markus Meister from the California Institute of Technology, this mismatch in sensory input and processing speed poses something of a mystery.
"Every moment, we are extracting just 10 bits from the trillion that our senses are taking in and using those 10 to perceive the world around us and make decisions," says Meister.“This raises a paradox: What is the brain doing to filter all of this information?"
In their recently published paper, Zheng and Meister raise a clear defense of the suggestion that in spite of the richness of the scenery in our mind's eye, the existence of photographic memory, and the potential of unconscious processing, our brains really do operate at a mind-numbingly slow pace that rarely peaks above tens of bits a second.
According to the researchers, solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded requires processing of just under 12 bits a second. Playing the strategy computer game StarCraft at a professional level? Around 10 bits a second. Reading this article? That might stretch you to 50 bits a second, at least temporarily.Assuming it's true, the pair lay out the state of research on the disparity between our "outer brain's" processing of external stimuli and the "inner brain's" calculations, demonstrating just how little we know about our own thinking.
1963 年 5 月 3 日,刘玉璞诞生于台湾高雄的一个军人家庭。这本该是一个充满温暖与关爱的港湾,然而现实却恰恰相反。家中重男轻女的氛围犹如沉重的阴霾,笼罩着她的整个童年。她的父亲,简直就是家庭中的暴君,行为乖张、喜怒无常。在那个小小的家里,他的拳头就是绝对的权威,一言不合便对家人拳脚相加。妻子、儿子,甚至年幼的刘玉璞,都在他的暴力之下瑟瑟发抖。
1971 年,俞飞鸿诞生于浙江杭州,那座被诗意与灵秀浸透的城市,赋予了她与生俱来的温婉气质。父母皆是高级知识分子,家中书卷飘香,在这样的成长环境里,俞飞鸿自幼便沐浴在知识的暖阳下,接受着高雅文化的熏陶。
"The current understanding is not commensurate with the enormous processing resources available, and we have seen no viable proposal for what would create a neural bottleneck that forces single-strand operation," the authors write.
Knowing how our brains evolved could give us insights into both improving artificial intelligence and shaping it to suit our especially particular neural architecture. At the very least, it could reveal the deeper benefits of slowing down and approaching the world one simple question at a time.This perspective was published in Neuron.
科学家量化东说念主类念念维速率,效力令东说念主大为骇怪在一项新的相干中,东说念主类大脑措置信息的速率取得了研究。科学家示意,咱们的念念维速率可能并莫得咱们自觉得的那么快。实质上,相干标明咱们的大脑每秒仅能措置10比特的信息。但与蓄意机每秒能进行数万亿次运算比拟,迪士尼彩乐园852852这奈何可能呢?相干标明,这是由于咱们在大脑里面以单列形貌措置念念维,从而导致队伍徐徐且拥挤。这与周围神经系统的运作形貌形成了光显对比,周围神经系统每秒能并行辘集千兆比特的感官数据,比咱们轸恤的每秒10比特的默契才智登程点好多量量级。对于加州理工学院的神经生物学家郑洁宇(Jieyu Zheng)和马库斯·迈斯特(Markus Meister)来说,这种感官输入与措置速率的不匹配是一个谜。迈斯特说:“每一刻,咱们从感官接管的万亿比特信息中仅索求10比特,并用这10比特来感知周围的天下并作念出有筹划。”“这就产生了一个悖论:大脑是若何过滤扫数这些信息的呢?”在他们最近发表的论文中,郑洁宇和迈斯特明确复古这么一种不雅点:尽管咱们脑海中的气候丰富多彩,存在影相式挂念,以及存在无相识措置的潜能,但咱们的大脑照实以一种慢得令东说念主麻痹的速率运转,其速率少量能杰出每秒几十比特。据相干东说念主员称,蒙眼规复魔方每秒需要措置不到12比特的信息。以专科水平玩战术电脑游戏《星际争霸》呢?约莫每秒10比特。阅读这篇著述?这可能会使你达到每秒50比特,至少是暂时的。假定这一情况属实,两东说念主讲述了对于咱们“外脑”对外部刺激的措置与“内脑”蓄意之间各异的相干近况,这标明咱们对本身念念维的了解是何等少。作家写说念:“现在的瓦解与可用的庞杂措置资源不零碎,何况咱们还莫得看到对于是什么酿成了迫使单链操作的神经瓶颈的可行冷漠。”了解大脑的进化形貌不错让咱们深远了解若何纠正东说念主工智能,并使其相宜咱们独有的神经结构。至少,这不错揭示减速脚步、一次措置一个简便问题的更深档次的益处。这一不雅点发表于《神经元》杂志。